Monday Matters Newsletter
Oct 2, 2023
First Impressions + Monday Matters.
Issue 3: The Unforeseen Impact of First Impressions.

The Net-Net: First impressions matter. They allow us to scan our environment and assess our surroundings quickly, help us determine if the people we meet are friends, foes, fiends or even fiancés, and they can assist us in determining if, and to what extent, a company or community is worth investing in. First impressions have enormous impact on our long-term views, but they are only as good as the information we are being presented. If the information is feigned or ingenious, then our impressions will be dead wrong. Given that first impressions are being made nearly every second of every day by you and about you, knowing more about them will help make you more successful and make work, less work (and it might even lead to more happiness over time.)
Sep 25, 2023
Intention + Monday Matters.
Issue 2: The Power of Intention to Focus Attention

The Net-Net: Many a “TIk Tok Teen” has mastered the art of manifesting, believing that if they think hard enough, with enough passion and diligence, they can shape destiny. The actual truth is, they are simply focusing attention and intention at a sub-conscious level on the things they want to achieve—seeing opportunities that were always in front of them but covered up by the noise of every day. Intention and attention are what allows you to see the opportunity, the signal in the noise. This issue will tell you how to have more intention with more success.
Sep 17, 2023
Time + Monday Matters.
Issue 1: Changing Your Relationship with Time

The Net-Net: Our calendars are the visible manifestation of what matters to us, like it or not. The easiest place to fight burnout, find more meaning at work, or increase our impact is to change our relationship with time and spend more of it in more moments that matter. Getting in a healthier relationship with time can be a game-changer.